Daisypath Wedding tickers

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Monday, January 17, 2011

1 Year, 7 Months & 10 Days

Hello Kids...

Today I have begun the huge process of saving 10 Thousand Dollars for my Vegas Wedding. And with this HUGE task ahead of me I have decided to share the journey with those who may find my process helpful or at least intriguing.

To begin here are some things to know:

* I am getting married in 1 Year, 7 Months and 10 Days.
* I am getting married in Vegas because I've wanted to be a Vegas Bride since I was a child.
* I am a Grad Student who works 1 day a week at a restaurant.
* My fiancee is helping me laugh along this crazy journey.
* I've been a home owner for less then a year.
* I am looking at major lifestyle cutbacks to pay for this crazy wedding.

The Budget:

* Wedding: 1,000 Bucks
* Reception: 5,000 Bucks
* Photographer: 1,000 Bucks
* Travel and Misc. Costs: 3,000 Bucks
* TOTAL - 10,000 Bucks

With all of this in mind and a ZERO balance in the Wedding Bank Account I need to save $16.90 a day, everyday until the wedding!!! That number looks so very small right now but the question I'm trying to answer is, what can I sacrifice in order to save that $16.90 a day?

I invite you all to leave suggestions or questions. Nice comments are always welcome too. And as always I'll keep you posted as I make this journey towards 10 Thousand Dollars & 1 Vegas Wedding :)


  1. If you need any help let me know ... Seeing as how my first wedding was in Vegas!

  2. Hey! You are pretty talented at eBay...

  3. Jennifer...Thanks a bunch we spent our New Years trip looking at places and all of that craziness...at this point I think we are 80% settled on the venues now we need to get the details moving :) By the way your Nashville shindig was FABULOUS ;)

    Kristin...Thanks so much...Tomorrow's Blog will deal with Ebay and Etsy :)

  4. I wanna come.... count out paying for hair and makeup! I will be there :) Seeing Dawkins get married... hmmmm yes I will be there ;)

  5. Christina...awe thanks :) You guys rock...we must get together soon...I wanna hear some embarrassing stories about my guy :)

  6. I am so gonna read this blog...never have I seen Erica save money, just spend it. (I still love you though). You know I'll be here to help too. :-)

  7. Erin...I know right...lol...I totally put back Lego's and a big summer vacation to buy a sleep number bed (my mattress is totally shot)...being a responsible adult is hard work!!! You rock girl :)
